Testsens Impedance Tube

Sound Transmission Loss and Sound
Absorption Coefficient Measurement System

About Us

Testsens is a Bias Mühendislik company brand. Testsens team is working on development of acoustic related R&D tools since 2008. With intensive knowledge on acoustic measurement technology, Testsens team has been introduced Impedance Tube, material sound transmission loss and material sound absorption measurement system. Porosity measurement system and material characterization sofware are recent developments on Acoustic field.
Testsens Acoustic Team is continuously working on new developments and improvements on current products.

Testsens Impedance Tube

Proven quality – precision machined structure and highest quality subcomponents.

Impedance tube has been developed mainly for sound transmission lost measurements and sound absortion measurements. System compliance with ASTM E2611, ASTM E1050 and ISO 10534. Standart system has 50-6400Hz measurement range.
User friendly software interface gives many flexibility on data process. Such as; data merge, octave band calculations, corrections, air flow resistivity approximation…


Resolution: 24-bit
Sample Rate: 102.4 kS/s
Dynamic Range: 100 dB
Input Range: ±10 Vpk
AC Coupling: 0.8 Hz
Output Signal Range: ±3.5 Vpk
IEPE signal conditioning for microphones

2×20W Amp Stereo Digital Amplifier
Power: 20W, 4ohm; 12W, 8ohm
Efficiency: 81% @ 20W, 4ohm; 88% @ 12W, 8ohm
Dynamic Range: 103dB
Signal Input: RCA gold-plated lotus signal input
Signal output: 4-wire signal output
Power Supply: DC12-15V 40W more than outer diameter of 5.5mm

Sound Pressure Level: 94 dB or 114 dB
Frequency: 250 Hz or 1 kHz
ANSI: S1.40
IEC: 60942 class 1
Ambient environmental conditions such as ambient air pressure, temperature and humidity

Freq range: 4 Hz to 70 kHz
Dyn range: 44 dB(A) to 166 dB
Sensitivity: 1.45 mV/Pa
1/4″ CCP Pressure High Quality

Air Porosity Measurement Tube For Open Porous Materials

Covers all needs for acoustic researches!

Some acoustic material models includes air porosity specifications like JCAL. Testsens porosity tube helps to define air porosity accurately.



Dimensions: 111(D) x 120(H) mm
Weight: 2 kg
Maximum sample weight: 2 kg
Material: CNC machined aluminum, black anodized
Max pressure: 100 psi (689.5 kpa)
Range: 0 to 99.5 % open porosity

Testsens Acoustic Characterization Software

Tool for acoustic modelling and parameter definition.



  • Determination of intrinsic properties with Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge (JCAL) material model. (Porosity, Flow Resistivity, Tortuosity , Viscous Characteristic Length, Thermal Characteristic Length,­ Static Thermal Permeability­).
  • Determination of dynamic density and dynamic bulk modulus.

Testsens Product Quality Check Software

Natural frequency analysis is one of the best way to clasify proper and non proper part. Sound of the part is a reflection of this phenomena. Product quality software is really to identify needed natural frequency spesifications.



BİAS Mühendislik

Address: Haluk Turksoy Arka St. 12/2 Altunizade, Uskudar 34662, Istanbul, Turkey

Phone: +90 216 474 57 01

e-Mail: info@testsens.com